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Remove the Team Members Tab

Disable the Team Members tab so participants can't see who else is attending a trip and their social fundraising URLs.

  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.
Remove the Team Members tab from the participants' view if you don't want your participants to see everyone else attending the trip. For example, remove the Team Members tab for a trip with individual travel dates where it's not necessary to see who is going because not everyone is going at the same time.

You can either remove the Team Members tab in step two of the event creation process or go to the event's details tab and click Edit Appearance.

  1. In the Team Member View Options section, find the Show team members section to team member? option.
  2. Select No.
  3. Either finish creating your event or click Save Changes.
Trip participants can no longer view the Team Members tab. Admins and leaders can still access the Team Members tab under the Admin View.