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Team Member Status

When individuals apply for an event, the synchronization process adds the person to the designated group in Vision 2, and syncs all additional updates to the individual's status from thereon. The individual is added using one of four statuses:

  • Pending Review - the individual applies and needs approval in Go Method.
  • Accepted - the individual is accepted or added to the event in Go Method.
  • Declined - the individual was rejected as an applicant.
  • Removed - the individual was removed from the event but not rejected as applicant.

    To view team members, in Vision 2, click Volunteering > MissionTrips > [Your Trip Name]

Volunteer Roles

After successful integration between Go Method and Vision 2, Go Method creates two volunteer roles in Vision 2, which are applied to volunteer participants in Vision 2.

  • Go Method Team Leader
  • Go Method Team Member

Team Member Status Mapping

Values or field names are slightly different between various software products. This table indicates how member statuses are matched during the one-way sync between Go Method and Vision 2 .

Vision 2 Status ValueGo Method Value
Individual ProfileThe person found or created in Go Method.
Volunteer RoleParticipant or Trip Leader
Participant StatusPending review, Accepted, Declined, or Removed