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Associate REST Keys

Now that the rest key has been assigned to a Rock security role, you must associate it in Go Method.

  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.
  • Your REST key must be associated to RSR - Rock Administration Group in Rock RMS.
You can establish a connection between Go Method and Rock RMS. To complete these steps, you'll need:
  • The Rock REST Key you previously created in Rock. You may have copy/pasted to a text or work-processing document.
  • Your Rock web page address. For example, https://rock.rocksolidchurchdemo.com.
  1. Click Admin > Settings..
  2. In the left menu, click Software Integration. Select Rock RMS.
  3. Copy and paste the Rock URL and the Rock API Key into the assigned fields, and click Verify.
If the admin you associated with the REST key does not have access to finance, people, or groups, an error displays at the top of the page. Return to Assign the Rest Key to A Security Role to associate your REST key to the recommended role.
Next, you need to set the connection status of team members and contributors.