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Upload or Change My Logo

You can customize Go Method to reflect your church or organization's branding.

  • Your logo must be saved as a .png, .jpg, or .svg file format and be at least 60 pixels high.
  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.
Your logo represents your organization's public image. Avoid cutting and pasting a logo from your existing website. Done too quickly, this can result in a fuzzy or unevenly cropped image. Try to obtain a crisp or original logo file.
  1. Click Admin > Settings.
  2. In the left menu, click Themes, then clickChange.
  3. Select the image from your computer or network files and click Open.
  4. If you're image is too large, click and drag the image box to capture the portion you want to use. You can also rotate the image. When finished adjusting the image, click Done.
Your logo displays at the top left of every page. To remove or change the logo, return to this page and click Remove or Change.