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Set Up an App Password for Emailing

If you use a Gmail account to send emails from ACS, you must set up an App Password with Google. This is a security feature, required by Google, that ensures your Gmail account is used safely. For more information about App Passwords, see this Google help topic.

Note: If your office shares one Gmail account to send emails from ACS, you only need to set up one App Password for that account to use in all your ACS programs. If different staff use their own Gmail account for their own instance of ACS, each person needs to set up an App Password.
  1. Turn on 2-Step Verification.
    1. Log in to your Google account.
    2. Go to the Security section: https://myaccount.google.com/security.
    3. Under "How you sign in to Google", click 2-Step Verification. Enter your password to continue.
    4. Click Get Started, and follow the on-screen steps.
  2. Set up an App Password for Gmail.
    1. Log in to your Google account.
    2. Go to the App Passwords section: https://myaccount.google.com/apppasswords .
    3. In the App name field, enter ACS, then click Create
    4. Your new App Password displays as the 16-character code.
    5. Copy your App Password to Notepad (and remove the spaces) or write it down, then click Done.
  3. Enter the App Password into your ACS Email setup.
    1. Open ACS People Suite.
    2. Under Manage Records, click the Communication tab.
    3. Select Mass E-mail, then click Go .
    4. Click Mass E-mail.
    5. Under E-mail Method, select Use local SMTP and click OK.
    6. When the E-mail Editor window displays, click the E-mail Accounts drop-down list and select Manage E-mail Accounts.
    7. When the SMTP List window displays, click Add.
    8. Enter your Server and Port, and select the Security, Authenticate, and Verify Password on Send options, if applicable.'
    9. In the User Name field, enter your Gmail address. For Password, paste your App Password from Notepad or enter the password that you wrote down, without the spaces.
    10. Click OK.

Now, you can send emails from your ACS programs.

App Passwords do not expire on a regular basis. However, if you change your Google password, you must set up a new App Password at that time.