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Insufficient Rights Error in Check In/Out

This troubleshooting guide addresses the "Insufficient Rights" error that occurs when trying to check in an individual in Check In/Out. The error is caused by the individual not being in an attendance or activity group, and the user not having rights to add this individual to these groups. The guide provides a step-by-step solution to resolve this issue.

When trying to check in an individual in Check In/Out, this error displays:

You have insufficient rights to add visitors to classes.

  • Products affected: Checkpoint

  • Versions affected: Any

The individual you are checking in is not in an attendance or activity group, and you do not have rights to add this individual to an activity or an attendance group.

To resolve this, have someone with access to Add/Edit Classes check in this individual or give the user access to Add/Edit Classes in Attendance.

  1. Under Advanced Tools, click the Admin Utilities tab.
  2. In the drop-down list, select Add/Edit Users and click Go.
  3. Select the user, then click Edit.
  4. On the Security tab, expand Attendance. If it is an activity group, expand People.
  5. Double-click Add/Edit Individual Classes to set the access level to All. Do the same for Add/Edit Individual Activities under People.
  6. Click Apply, then OK.
  7. Click Close.