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Create a Text Campaign

Text campaigns are helpful for communicating with your congregants without giving out your personal phone number.

  • You must be a Growth Method administrator or a Campaign Admin or Worker to do this.
  • You must have set up at least one campaign number to do this.
Create a text campaign when you want to contact your entire congregation or just a segment of your congregants and make it feel personal. For example, send an invitation to your organization's next big welcome event to your those listed in your new congregants track in Growth Method, or send a prayer request to your entire congregation. These texts allow you to contact many of your congregants at once, saving you time from contacting them each one at a time, but your congregants feel like you're personally following up with them one-on-one.
  1. Click Campaigns > Campaigns.
  2. Click New Campaign.
  3. Enter the campaign details, include the Campaign Name, Description, and Schedule Send Date.
    The Campaign Details section, including Campaign Name, Description, and Scheduled Send Date fields.
    Note: To send a campaign immediately, select a Schedule Send Date and time that have already passed.
  4. In the Message Content section, select Text Message from the Campaign Message Delivery Type drop-down list.
    Fields specifically for text campaigns now appear in the section.
  5. Use the From Number drop-down list to select the number you want to send the text from, and then enter the campaign message.
    The Message Content section, including Campaign Message Delivery Type, From Number, and Message fields.
    Note: Growth Method will send more than one text message if the campaign message has more than 160 characters.
  6. In the Filters section, select a Filter Type from the drop-down list.
    The Filters section, including the Filter Type, Group Type, and Group fields. The Create Campaign button is at the bottom right in blue.
    Note: Currently, filters are groups within your ChMS. We recommend you create a group inside your ChMS that contains the people you want to send the campaign to, and then select that group when creating the campaign in Growth Method.
  7. Click Create Campaign.
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