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Add a Campaign Number

Add a campaign number to send text campaigns to congregants without using your personal phone number.

  • You must be a Growth Method administrator or a Campaign Admin to do this.
Add a new campaign number when you need a new phone number to contact your congregants, for example when there's a new user helping you with your organization's campaigns or if there are any issues with a current campaign number.
  1. Click Campaigns > Campaign Numbers.
  2. Click New Phone Line.
  3. Enter your organization's area code.
    Note: Use a phone number with your organization's area code so that your campaigns come from a local phone number, ensuring your campaigns aren't marked as spam and that your recipients receive your messages.
    You'll have ten available local phone numbers to choose from.
  4. Select the number you want to use, then click Add This Line.
  5. The new number appears on the campaign number dashboard. ClickThe gear icon., then click View to open the campaign number dashboard.
    The view screen shows the history of all incoming and outgoing messages for the phone number and simple graphs showing volume over time.
  6. To assign people to the new number, click the + button in the assignments section, select who you want to assign to this number from the drop-down list, and click Save.
    Note: To assign more than one person to the new number, click Add another assignment and repeat the process in the previous step, then click Save.
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