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July 13, 2023

These enhancements were released on or before July 13, 2023.

Team Leaders, we want your feedback!

Go Method is looking for team leaders to give their candid feedback on their experience. We are specifically looking for team leaders whose role is to set up trips and manage the pre-, during-, and post-trip process. This is your chance to include your input into potential Go Method features and usability. This is a live one-on-one session between you and one of our User Experience Researchers lasting approximately 45 minutes. Interested team leaders, click here for more information and to book your session.

Export Donations and Payments by Trip

You can now run transaction reports specifically by trip in the Invoice or Funding tab in Go Method. You can run this report for both donation-based and payment-based trips. This is helpful if your organization wants to break down funding and reconcile by trip.

This action is only available for Go Method administrators, those with the Can Manage Funding permission, or if the Allow team leaders to view and manage funding check box is selected in an event's details page.

Transfer Funds to Multiple Participants

In Go Method, you can now choose to distribute funds from one trip participant to up to four other participants at one time. You can distribute the funds evenly among the selected participants, or you can allocate specific amounts to specific participants. Find this feature under the trip's Funding tab.