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10.1F Release

If you're part of the Preferred Client Program, you can download the latest desktop version in the Client Portal.

PDS Ledger/Payroll 10.1F, released for desktop 9-28-22 and OnDemand 9-29-22, offers the following enhancements.


This is the last major update for Version 10. We're excited to introduce PDS Version 11! Please upgrade to continue getting the latest and greatest from your PDS programs.

OnDemand clients are automatically upgraded to the latest version. Check out the 11.0A release notes to see what we added.

New and Improved Features

Tax Updates
  • We updated the tax tables for Arkansas, Idaho, and Virginia.
    Note: Some states require program changes, as noted in the tax table documentation, under State Tax Table Information. Please check your state(s) before loading the tax table update.
  • Indiana also had a change, effective October 1, 2022. You can read more about it in the Indiana Department of Revenue's Departmental Notice #1.

    To account for this change in PDS: On the Payroll tab, click Employees > Employment Information. Under State Tax Options, there is a field for dependents. For each adopted child, add two dependents to the total. For example, an employee has one biological child and one adopted child, enter 3 dependents; that is, 1 (for the biological child) + 2 (for the adopted child) = 3 total dependents.

  • Visit the IRS website for more information on tax changes. For help on PDS tax procedures, see 2024 Tax Information.
Automatically Log Out Every Night
  • We've heard several requests from system admins for a way to log all users out of the program when not in use. Now, all users are logged out of PDS at midnight, your local time. This way, any necessary maintenance and automatic backups can run properly.
  • On the Quick Access toolbar, click the users icon blue outline of two people. The new option at the bottom, Automatic Logout at Midnight, is selected by default, but you can clear the checkbox at any time if needed.
    Notify Users window showing the new option for "Automatic Logout at Midnight"