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PDS 2024 Tax Tables Update

Since you can modify tax tables manually, you only need to load them if you haven't already made the required changes for 2024.

There are two types of tax tables you can load: the Federal Tax Tables for 2024, which affect everyone, and the tax tables for individual states. If your state tax tables have changed, load the tax tables to make sure you're current. PDS does not update local tax tables; you can obtain them from your local government.

Warning: Do not load the updated tax tables until you have completed your last payroll for December 2023. Doing so can result in the wrong amounts being withheld from your employees' paychecks.

Before You Start

You must be running the latest version of PDS Ledger/Payroll before loading the 2024 changes. On the File menu, click Check for Program Update.
CAUTION: Loading tax tables update alters data. Back up your data first.

Automatic Process

When a tax update is available, you're automatically prompted to install it when you print paychecks.

  1. On the Transactions tab, click Expenses > Print Paychecks.
  2. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes to start the installation process.
    Confirmation dialog box prompting to start the installation process

Web Process

You can load your tax update from the PDS Client Portal.

  1. In your web browser, sign in to the Client Portal.
  2. On the downloads page, click 2024 Payroll Tax Tables.
  3. Follow the steps to copy the 2024 tax tables update file to your Ledger/Payroll data directory.
  4. Once you've copied the file, open your Ledger/Payroll program.
  5. You're prompted to load the tax tables update. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes to start the installation process.
    Confirmation dialog box prompting to start the installation process

Federal Tax Changes

The updated federal tables are contained in one file. Do not load this file until you have completed your last payroll for December 2023.

The following items have changed in the federal tax tables:
  • Federal withholding tables were updated. Withholding methods and information on using Form W-4P and Form W-4R are included in IRS Publication 15-T.
    CAUTION: Beginning with the 2020 Form W-4, the new tables are to be applied to wages if employees increase their withholding to account for higher tax rates due to income from other jobs in their household (under Step 2). For information on how to apply the new table in PDS, see Enter Employment Information.
  • The social security wage base limit increased to $168,600.
The following remained the same from 2023:
  • For social security, the tax rate is 6.2% each for the employee and employer.
  • The Medicare tax rate is 1.45% each for the employee and employer.

For more information on all federal tax changes, see IRS Publication 15-T.


When you install the federal tables, the FUTA tax amount is automatically inserted.

If you need to adjust this amount based on the rules in IRS Publication 15-T, you must do so manually. On the Payroll tab, click Tax Setup > Federal Tax. Under Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA), enter the current rate and limit. If you aren't liable for FUTA tax, enter 0 for these.

State Tax Table Information

Some states don't use tax tables, and others use many. Look below to verify the tax table names you're using in the program. If you have questions about tax issues, contact your accountant.

State Tax Table Names

The following is a list of all the tax tables included with the install. The old tables are only replaced if the names are exactly as listed below. Go through your state tax tables and make changes where necessary. The names are not case-sensitive, but punctuation and spacing are very important.

* These tables contain updated data for 2024 and/or the table names have changed.

** These tables are new for 2024.

AL -Claiming 0

AL -Claiming H

AL -Claiming M

AL -Claiming MS

AL -Claiming S

No tax tables provided.
AZ - 0.0%

AZ - 0.5%

AZ - 1.0%

AZ - 1.5%

AZ - 2.0%

AZ - 2.5%

AZ - 3.0%

AZ - 3.5%

AR -HeadHouse *

AR -Married *

AR -Single *

Note: You must have at least Ledger/Payroll 11.1B to use these tables.
Note: These tables were updated 7/1/24, effective 1/1/24.
CA -HeadHouse *

CA -Married01 *

CA -Married2+ *

CA -Single *

CO -Married *

CO -Single *

CO -All *


Make sure you use the appropriate allowance. For all new employees, you must use the withholding form (DR 0004), where the deduction amount differs based on the number of jobs, number of children, and annual salary. Refer to the Colorado Withholding Tax Guide (tax.colorado.gov) for details.

To handle this in PDS, we have the CO -All table. It uses the same rate as the other two tables, but all of the standard deduction and withholding allowance amounts are set to $0. You must figure out what the standard deduction should be for an employee, and enter it on their record. Go to Payroll > Employees > Employment Information. Under State Tax Options, enter the amount in the Other Exemptions Amount field for each employee. The program will use this amount as the standard deduction before applying the 4.55% tax rate.

CT -Status A *

CT -Status B *

CT -Status C *

CT -Status D *

CT -Status E

CT -Status F *

DE -MJoint

DE -MSeparate

DE -Single

District of Columbia (D.C.)
DC -HeadHouse


DC -S/MSep

No tax tables provided.
GA -HeadHouse *

GA -MJoint1 *

GA -MJoint2 *

GA -MSeparate *

GA -Single *

Note: These tables were updated 7/1/24, effective 7/1/24.
HI -Married

HI -Single

ID -Married *

ID -Single *

Note: These tables were updated 5/30/24, effective 6/1/24.
IL -All *
IN -All *
Note: New for withholding after 12/21/23: The state withholding rate has been reduced to 3.05%.

Effective 10/1/22: Withholding instructions for the new adopted child exemption -- See Departmental Notice #1 (in.gov/dor) from the Indiana Department of Revenue.

To account for this in PDS: On the Payroll tab, click Employees > Employment Information. Under State Tax Options, there is a field for Dependents. For each adopted child, add two dependents to the total.

For example, an employee has one biological child and one adopted child, enter 3 dependents; that is, 1 (for the biological child) + 2 (for the adopted child) = 3 total dependents.

IA-Claiming 01 *

IA-Claiming 2+ *


New income withholding tax tables -- See this notice (tax.iowa.gov) from the Iowa Department of Revenue. It states, "...employees should be encouraged to file an updated Iowa W-4 using the 2024 IA W-4 form. For employees who do not file an updated W-4 using the 2024 IA W-4 form, employers should use $40 as the total allowance amount and $0 as the additional withholding amount when calculating these employees' Iowa withholding amounts."

To account for this in PDS: On the Payroll tab, click Employees > Employment Information. Under State Tax Options, there is a field for Dependents.

  • If the employee filed a new 2024 IA W-4 form, enter the number of dependents in the Employment Information window. Then, multiply the number of dependents by $40, and subtract that amount from the Total Allowance (line 6 of the W-4). Enter that amount under Other Exemptions Amount. If the number of dependents is greater than 2, use IA-Claiming 2+; otherwise, use IA-Claiming 01.
  • If the employee didn't file a new W-4, then the Dependents field is set to 1. Use IA-Claiming 01.
KS -Married

KS -Single

KY -All *
LA -Claiming 2

LA -Claiming <2

ME -Married *

ME -Single *

Note: You must have at least Ledger/Payroll 11.1B to use these tables.











MD-M/HH-ANN-2.75 **

MD-M/HH-ANN-2.85 **

MD-M/HH-ANN-3.20 **

MD-M/HH-FRE-2.25 **

MD-M/HH-FRE-2.75 **

MD-M/HH-FRE-3.00 **

MD-M/HH-FRE-3.20 **

Note: "M/HH" means Married Filing Jointly, Head of Household, or Qualified Surviving Spouse. See the note on page 9 of the Maryland Employer Withholding Guide (marylandtaxes.gov) about Anne Arundel Co. and Frederick Co. for more information.










MD-SGL-ANN-2.75 **

MD-SGL-ANN-2.85 **

MD-SGL-ANN-3.20 **

MD-SGL-FRE-2.25 **

MD-SGL-FRE-2.75 **

MD-SGL-FRE-3.00 **

MD-SGL-FRE-3.20 **

Note: "SGL" means Single, Married Filing Separately, or Dependent. See the note on page 9 of the Maryland Employer Withholding Guide (marylandtaxes.gov). about Anne Arundel Co. and Frederick Co. for more information.
MA -Blind *

MA -HeadHouse *

MA -HHBlind *

MA-Claiming 0 *

MA-Claiming 1+ *

MI -All *
MN - Married *

MN - Single *

MS-Tbl A-$0 *

MS-Tbl A-$6000 *

MS-Tbl B-$0 *

MS-Tbl B-$9500 *

MS-Tbl C-$0 *

MS-Tbl C-$12000 *

MS-Tbl D-$0 *

MS-Tbl D-$1000 *

MS-Tbl D-$10000 *

MS-Tbl D-$10500 *

MS-Tbl D-$11000 *

MS-Tbl D-$11500 *

MS-Tbl D-$12000 *

MS-Tbl D-$1500 *

MS-Tbl D-$2000 *

MS-Tbl D-$2500 *

MS-Tbl D-$3000 *

MS-Tbl D-$3500 *

MS-Tbl D-$4000 *

MS-Tbl D-$4500 *

MS-Tbl D-$500 *

MS-Tbl D-$5000 *

MS-Tbl D-$5500 *

MS-Tbl D-$6000 *

MS-Tbl D-$6500 *

MS-Tbl D-$7000 *

MS-Tbl D-$7500 *

MS-Tbl D-$8000 *

MS-Tbl D-$8500 *

MS-Tbl D-$9000 *

MS-Tbl D-$9500 *

MO -HeadHouse *

MO -MSpDNWork *

MO -Single *

MO -MSpWrkSep *

MO -MSpWrksJt *

MT -HeadHouse **

MT -MJT/BothWor ** (Married filing jointly with both spouses working)

MT -MJT/QW ** (Married filing jointly or qualified widower)

MT -MSeparate ** (Married filing separately)

MT -Single **


The state of Montana has new tax tables, and MT -All is no longer used. In PDS, you must select to add the new tables when running the tax update installation process. Then, make any necessary adjustments to the employee records to verify that you're using the correct tax table.

NE -Married *

NE -Single *

No tax tables provided.
New Hampshire
No tax tables provided.
New Jersey
NJ -Rate A

NJ -Rate B

NJ -Rate C

NJ -Rate D

NJ -Rate E

New Mexico
NM -Head *

NM -Married *

NM -Single *

New York
NY -Married

NY -Single

North Carolina
NC -HeadHouse *

NC -MarriedQW *

NC -Single *

North Dakota
ND -Married *

ND -Single *

ND -Head *

OH -All *
Note: These tables were updated 7/1/24, effective 7/1/24.
OK -Married *

OK -Single *

OR -Married *

OR -Single *

OR -Single 3+ *

Note: You must have at least Ledger/Payroll 11.1B to use these tables.
PA -All
Rhode Island
RI - $0 Exempt *
CAUTION: Do not use the RI - $0 Exempt table unless employee annual wages are greater than $274,650.00.

RI - All *

South Carolina
SC -Claiming 0 *

SC -Claiming 1+ *

South Dakota
No tax tables provided.
No tax tables provided.
No tax tables provided.
Contact PDS Support at 1-877-737-4457 if Utah Tax Tables are needed.
VT -Married *

VT -Single *

VA -MarriedSgl *

VA -Over 65Blin *

Note: These tables were updated 5/30/24. Standard deduction is now $8,500.00.
No tax tables provided.
West Virginia
WV -One Earner

WV -Two Earner

WI -Married

WI -Single

No tax tables provided.