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11.0E Release

If you're part of the Preferred Client Program, you can download the latest desktop version in the Client Portal.

PDS Facility Scheduler 11.0E, released for desktop 5-2-23 and OnDemand 5-11-23, offers the following enhancements.

New and Improved Features

Repeat Mass Information... Or Not!
  • When you add Mass Schedule information, sometimes it's easier to copy the same information from the previous line you added. For example, you may have several Saturday Masses that occur in the same place but at different times.

  • However, this may not always be helpful to you. So, to let you decide what's best, we added an option! To copy from the previous line, select Repeat Mass Information before adding a new line in the grid. Otherwise, clear the option to start with a blank line.

    The Mass Schedule window showing the new option for Repeat Mass Information

Filter Selections Using a CSV File
  • If you're familiar with Additional Selections, you know you can gather records with a certain field value that is either in a list or not in a list. For example, you could add a condition for Fac.Abbr is in list Rm 101,Rm 102,Rm 107,Rm 108, and the selection would gather facility records where the abbreviation is Rm 101, Rm 102, Rm 107, or Rm 108. This requires you to enter the list in the condition, which is fine for a short list, like in our example. But what if you have a long list or a list that you pulled from outside of PDS? Now, in your condition, you can point to a CSV file to search inside of.

  • Let's say you have a CSV with 100 lines of facility abbreviations, and you want to run the List of Facilities report for only these abbreviations.

    An example of a csv file with separate lines for each abbreviation

    • Instead of typing out all 100 abbreviations in the condition, you can enter "<" and the file path of the CSV file.

      Example of Additional Selections with a condition of Fac.Abbr is in list <C:\Documents\facilities.csv

    • When you run the report using this condition, it only prints the facilities whose abbreviations are listed in the CSV file.

      Example of the List of Facilities report showing only those facilities that have matching abbreviations in the csv file

  • What about CSV files with multiple columns? In that case, you just need to specify the column to search.

    An example of a csv file with separate lines that contain the facility name, comma contact name, comma abbreviation

    • So if the abbreviation is in the third column, your condition would include the file name, a comma, and the column number.

      Example of Additional Selections with a condition of Fac.Abbr is in list <C:\Documents\facility-info.csv comma 3

  • For more information, see the "Additional Selections" section on Report Selections. Remember, you can also use Additional Selections in some processes.


We fixed several issues that were reported internally to our team, as well as the following issue that affected some of our customers:
  • When scheduling an event that starts and ends on different days, if you opened a conflict, an event from a different day was displaying instead.