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10.2D Release

If you're part of the Preferred Client Program, you can download the latest desktop version in the Client Portal.

PDS Church Office 10.2D, released for desktop 10-27-22, offers the following enhancements.


This is the last major update for Version 10. We're excited to introduce PDS Version 11! Please upgrade to continue getting the latest and greatest from your PDS programs.

OnDemand clients are automatically upgraded to the latest version. Check out the 11.0A release notes to see what we added.

New and Improved Features

Clean Up Your Data
  • Whether you're planning for a conversion or just want to neaten up your records, you can use our new Clean Up Data process.

  • This process gathers information around families, members, financial data, phone and email types, and families shared with other programs (if applicable). It presents potential issues in your data, then allows you to view the affected records and perform any actions to clean up the data. For example, you can delete any unneeded archived family records, combine duplicate sacraments, and fix any missing or incorrect fund activities. You are in control of which changes, if any, are made.

    Gif showing each step in the cleanup process

  • Here's a cool feature within the new process: Click Show List to open a separate dialog box that displays the affected records. From this list, you can exit the cleanup process and go to each record in question. The list remains open so you can jump to the next affected record. When you're finished making the necessary changes, you can go back to the cleanup process and pick up where you left off.

    For example, the process shows three families that don't have a head of household listed. You could use the Add Head button to make the oldest member the head, but let's say you want to go to each family and select a head of household yourself. Click Show List to open the dialog box, then click Go to Family to display the record in the Families window. Select a head for the first family and save the record. In the dialog box, click to go to the next family and repeat the necessary steps.

    Gif showing how to go to family records from the cleanup process

  • For details on all the features in this process, see Clean Up Your Data.

Abundant Compliance with Mastercard Standards
  • If you use Abundant for online giving, this message is for you. Mastercard updated their standards for merchants using a subscription/recurring payments model. If needed, you can learn more about Mastercard rules and compliance programs (mastercard.us).
  • The main thing you need to be aware of is the new footer we added to the giving receipt. Per MasterCard's standards, when your contributors receive their giving receipt, clear instructions on how to cancel are listed in the footer of that email. While you can edit the body of the email itself, the footer cannot change. This only affects recurring gifts.
  • Let your contributors know! The link to their giving history is also included in the footer for quick access in case they need to cancel.


We fixed the following issues that affected some of our customers:
  • When checking online registrations, an error sometimes displayed.
  • When running reports with a sacrament "Performed" field (such as "Baptism Performed"), the sacrament status was not being taken into account. Now, only sacraments with a status meaning "Yes" will be included.