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Mosaic Resources

This content is intended only to be used by active MissionInsite subscriptions and the faith-based agencies, parishes, or churches they serve. This content is protected by copyright and should not be shared with any other entities.

  • E-Handbook - The Mosaic USA E-Handbook by Experian provides detailed information for your ministry to understand neighborhoods and communities and how to best reach them.

  • Technology Adoption - This chart displays a household's technology engagement.
  • Household Groups - This chart displays 19 household groups with incomes ranging from the highest (Group A) to the lowest (Group S).
  • Communication Channels and Preferences - Channel preferences describe how likely an individual is to respond to an advertising method.
  • Portraits and Descriptions - Portraits offer an in-depth insight into each sub-group, along with key features, channel preference, and technology adoption scores.