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Install OnDemand for Windows

Install OnDemand on your Windows PC.

When you're an OnDemand customer, your programs automatically update.

  1. Download OnDemand.
  2. When the download is complete, double-click OnDemand_Win_Install.exe from your Downloads folder.
  3. When the install is complete, double-click the OnDemand icon to open the program. An email is sent to you.
  4. Enter your OnDemand username and password provided in the email you received.
    Note: The first time you sign in to OnDemand, you'll be prompted to change your password. The password is case sensitive, should have at least six characters, and should contain at least three of the following items:
    • Upper case letter
    • Lower case letter
    • Number
    • Special character, such as # or !