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Create a Theme

Format and style a form theme that you can apply to and reuse for your organization's online forms.

  • You must be a Growth Method administrator or an Online Form Admin to do this.
Create a theme that can be applied to one or many online forms. This can be helpful if you want forms to look different so you know what type of form it is at first glance, or if you want to apply one theme to all your forms so they look more consistent and uniform.
  1. Click Online Forms > Themes.
  2. Click New Theme.
  3. Enter the Theme Name and Theme Description, then click Continue.
    Tip: Use a name that is unique and easily identifiable because you'll use the name to connect a theme to a form.
  4. Click the theme element to open and edit it. Anything you edit on the right will display in the example form on the left.
    An example theme page, with the Errors element open on the right and the changes displaying in the example form on the left.
  5. Click Save.
    Note: If you can't find the Save button, make sure you're not currently in a theme category. If you are in a category, click the back arrow in the header to the left of the element name, then the Save button should appear.
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