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Create a Replacement Rule

Correct typos, misspellings, and abbreviations with replacement rules.

  • You must be a Growth Method administrator to do this.
Replacement rules autocorrect specific data that is uploaded to Growth Method. For example, if you have congregants that live near Tallahassee, FL and you know that word gets misspelled often, you can create a replacement rule that autocorrects any incorrect spellings of "Tallahassee" to its proper spelling. This helps keep your data clean and consistent.
  1. Click your name and click Replacement Rules.
  2. Click Create a Replacement Rule.
  3. Enter the text that you want to replace in the Text to find: field.
    Example: Philly
  4. To select the whether the Replacement Rule is a correction or an abbreviation, click the corresponding radio button. If the Replacement Rule is a correction and you want it to match the text exactly, click the Match this text exactly check box.
  5. To select where you want the system to look for this text to replace it, click the check box(es) next to the corresponding field(s).
    Example: City
  6. In the text box, enter what you want to replace the text with when the system finds a match.
    Example: Philadelphia
  7. Click Save.
You've created a replacement rule! Now whenever Growth Method finds the specified text string in the specified field, it will replace that text with the text you want.
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