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Search for Profiles

Missing the yellow pages? Try this...

Use the search bar to find people or businesses.

  1. In the search box at the top of any page, enter a name, phone number, or email address.
  2. As you type, possible matches display for different profile types. Click a section to see the possible matches.
  3. Select a record, or finish typing the name and press Enter. If you don't see the profile you want, click See all [type] results at the bottom of the list to view the search results.
    Note: To filter profiles based on family position or a profile status of Active, Inactive, or Deceased, click the filter icon to select the options you want. Deceased only displays under Profile Status when you select Person for Type.
    Note: To filter profiles based on a profile status of Active, Inactive, or Deceased, click the filter icon to select the options you want. Deceased only displays under Profile Status when you select Person for Type.

The search feature checks the beginning of first, middle, and last names for the letter combination you enter. (Enter at least two characters of each search term.) It does not search other parts of names. So, for instance, a search of "mil" will return Millicent Jones, Bill Milton Diaz, and Sophia Millbrook. It will not return Ben Hamilton.