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Printing the Flex Statement

You can print the Flex Statement for year-end.

The Flex Statement prints a weekly amount for a selected period, including month-to-month and year-to-date totals. These statements also include an analysis of contributions by fund where you determine the information that prints.

You can select and print an unlimited number of funds. You can select to include Period-to-Date Gifts, Year-to-Date Gifts, the Total Pledge amount, the Pledge Balance, the Pledge-to-Date amount, Pledge-to-Date Balance, and Prepayments made in previous years.

The Flex Statement includes prepayments, and the pledge information prints at the bottom of the statement.

For example, suppose Alex White makes a $35 prepayment on a 2014 pledge to the Van Fund in October 2013. When you print his statement, the $35 prepayment displays in the monthly totals on his 2013 statement (with the date range of 01/01/2013 - 12/31/2013. At the bottom of Alex's statement, his Van Fund pledge information displays, and the $35 prepayment is listed under Gifts this Period and Gifts to Date and also deducted from the pledge balance.

You can also select to include all of last year's unpaid pledges on the statement, as well as including the current year pledges in the pledge totals.

  1. Under Searches and Reports, click the Reports tab.
  2. Select Contributions Reports in the drop-down list, and click Go .
  3. Expand Statements, then select Flex Statement.
  4. In the lower sidebar, select the date range in the From and to fields. Then, in the drop-down list, select the Pledge to Date. This defaults to the to date unless you change it.
  5. Click Customize.
  6. On the Report Options tab, select any report options you want to print on the statement. To select funds to print, choose Selected Funds, then click Select.
  7. To view your statements, click Preview.
  8. When the statement displays, click Print Report to print them.
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