Updating Vacation at Year-end
You can update vacation time at year-end.
- Under Manage Records, in the Enter Name field, enter the individual's last name.
- Press ENTER.
- If necessary, select the correct record in the Find Individual window, then click Use Selected. If the individual has multiple records, select the correct record type in the list, then click OK.
- Click on the Time Off tab.
- To enter accrual information:
- In the Time Off Totals grid, select Accrual Rates and click Add.
- In the Time Off Type drop-down list, select Vacation.
- Enter the Start Date, Rate, Unit, and Period, then click Ok.
- To enter vacation leave already taken:
- In the Time Off Totals grid, select Time Taken, then click Add.
- In the Time Off Type drop-down list, select Vacation.
- Enter the Start Date, Rate, and Unit, then click Ok.