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Errors when Importing General Ledger Transactions

You may encounter these errors when importing transactions.

The file is not configured to have a header record and an error is detected on the first line of the file To correct this, click Back and select Import File has header record.
Reference number exceeds the maximum limit The program truncates the reference number after 15 characters. To accept this, click Reverify Data and it will be moved to the Ready to Import tab.
The account is invalid

If the file contains the account name rather than a code (code is the default setting), click Back and set the Lookup Account field to use Name.

If the file is using account code and it cannot be matched with an ACS account code, you will also receive this error. Select the correct code in the account field and click Reverify.

Cannot post to prior periods This displays if GL settings do not allow posting to prior periods. To correct it, change the GL settings if the posting period is correct for the import file or change the posting period of the file on the errors tab and click Reverify.
Debits and credits do not match If the file contains debits and credits (balanced transactions), the Debit and Credit column amounts can be edited to correct an out-of-balance transaction. If the file only contains charges (no offsets for each transaction), click Back and select Offset all entries to a single account.
Invalid TranID

To correct this, the file must be edited using Notepad or Excel so each entry line is assigned a transaction ID number. This is a unique identifier that groups the transactions together in the file.

If your file only contains one transaction, each entry line would be assigned a 1. If you have multiple transactions in the file, each transaction should have its own number beginning with 1.

Invalid Date If the date format in the table is anything other than the mm/dd/yyyy format, a warning displays and today's date is entered. To accept this change, click Reverify, and the transaction will be moved to the Ready to Import tab.
Invalid Month

This error could mean that the month is set to 13 in the import file. This will be set to 1 for January. This error could also mean that the month field was mapped incorrectly, and the program will use the current month.

To accept this change, click Reverify, and the transaction will be moved to the Ready to Import tab.