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Add a Customer's Email Address

If your customers want to receive statements by email, their ACS records must have a correct email address.

As you receive email addresses from your customers, enter them into ACS or check that you have the correct one.

You can only send one statement per email address.

  1. Under Manage Records, click the Records tab.
  2. In the drop-down list, select Add/Edit Customers and click Go .
  3. In the Add/Edit Customers window, select the customer and click Edit.
  4. On the Phones/E-mail tab, under Individual E-mail Addresses, click Add.
  5. In the E-mail Type drop-down list, select an e-mail type.
  6. Optional: Select if this e-mail address is Listed or Unlisted.
  7. Enter the e-mail address and click OK.
Next, you can verify the customer's email address.