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Change Log

The Change Log tracks these activities and presents them in a sortable list.

This change log displays changes made to all profiles and other areas. To view changes made to a specific person's profile, see View Changes to a Specific Profile.

You don't have to turn on anything in order for the change log to work. It is always in the background, watching your site and logging the changes.

Log entries are deleted from your data automatically after 120 days.

The following updates to your site are noted in the change log:

  • Businesses—Additions, updates, merges, and deletions of business profiles.
  • Announcements—Additions, updates, and deletions.
  • eGiving Users—Any updates to the name, email, or roles of a user with responsibilities.
  • Congregants—When individuals are added, merged, deleted, marked inactive, marked active, or marked deceased. When someone's account email (used to sign in only) is changed, either by themselves or an administrator.
  • Contributions—When a posted or processed batch or gift is updated. When an administrator creates a one-time or recurring gift on behalf of a contributor.
  • Privacy—When users make changes to the privacy settings for individuals' profiles.
  • Merged Records—When a profile is merged from the duplicates list on the dashboard or from the profile.

Add a Change Log Note

You can add a note to an item in the change log to indicate why a change was made.

  • Administrators can only edit notes they've entered, but not other administrators' notes.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Giving. Then click Main Menu > Change Log.
  2. Locate the item you want to add a note to.
  3. At the far-right of the grid, click Add note.
  4. Enter the note about this change, then click Save.
  5. To edit a note, open it from the Notes column, then click the ellipsis icon and Edit.
  6. To delete a note, open it from the Notes column, then click the ellipsis icon and Delete.

View Changes to a Specific Profile

The profile-specific change log shows changes made to a record.

This change log displays all changes made to one specific profile. To see changes made to all profiles and other areas, see Change Log.

  1. Locate and open the record.
  2. Click the ellipsis icon and select View Change Log.
  3. Click the filter icon to filter the list and show the items you want to see.

If needed, you can add a note to a change.

View and Print the Change Log

The Change Log records activity in your records.

  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Giving. Then click Main Menu > Change Log.
  2. Changes display in a grid. To filter the list with the items you want to see or print, click the filter icon.
  3. To print, click the printer icon.The file opens as a PDF that you can download from your browser. You can also find it in your Recent Report History.