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Test a Customer's Email Address

After adding or editing an e-mail address, send a test e-mail message to verify that the address you entered is correct.

If the e-mail bounces, check the customer's profile first to ensure that you entered the data correctly before contacting them.
  1. Under Manage Records, click the Records tab.
  2. In the drop-down list, select Add/Edit Customers and click Go .
  3. In the Add/Edit Customers window, select the customer and click Edit.
  4. On the Phones/E-mail tab, under Individual E-mail Addresses, click Edit.
  5. If more than one email address is listed, select the one the customer wants to use for statements, then click Send Email.
  6. An email message window displays. Enter "Do not reply" in the Subject line and click Send. If you do not receive a bounce notification, the email address is valid.
Next, you can link a Constant Contact account to ACS.