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Export Data to MySchoolWorx

You can export HeadMaster data and send it to MySchoolWorx.

Before exporting data, you must:
  • Close the 2022-2023 school year in Permanent Records.
  • Send students' grades to Transcripts.
  • Run Tools > Assistants > Update Permanent Records to move grades to permanent records.

We also suggest keeping a hard copy of your 2022-2023 transcripts on hand.

The MySchoolWorx export exports 11 .csv files that contain parent, student, administrator, teacher, class, transcript, immunization, pickup, and student activities information, as MySchoolWorx requires.

After exporting, the file's saved location displays, but you cannot open and view the file.

To complete onboarding, navigate to the export location on your computer, attach the file, and email it to support@myschoolworx.com. You must attach the exported zip file to your email and enter (Attention: Taylor Allen) in the email subject.

  1. In HeadMaster Utilities, click MySchoolWorx Export.
  2. In the Select Database to Export drop-down list, select your current database.
  3. To include students who've transferred to other schools in the export, select Include Inactive Records.
  4. To include additional information such as behavior, skills, student activity, class attendance, assignments, lesson plans, invoices (debits and credits), and alumni contacts, select Include Additional Tables.
  5. Click Export. When the export is finished, Export Complete displays, along with the export's location and the zip file password. To copy the file straight to an email attachment, click Copy.
  6. Open your email client and compose an email to support@myschoolworx.com.
  7. Enter (Attention: Taylor Allen) in the subject.
  8. Attach the zip file to your email. You must add the file as an attachment; do not paste the location on your computer into the email body.
  9. In your email's body, include the school's name, administrator's name, and administrator's contact information.
  10. Send your email.
When MySchoolWorx receives your file, they will correspond with you via email and let you know when onboarding is done.