Add and manage your administrators.
Only administrators can perform tasks, but you can always add more if you need help with other duties. For example, if you handle giving processes, maybe another administrator can keep track of individuals or automated emails. It's up to you how you decide to delegate tasks, but as soon as you select the appropriate administrators, you're all ready to tackle whatever jobs are ahead.
Add a User with Responsibilities
Assign permissions to individuals who need access to certain areas.
Find a User with Responsibilities
Quickly locate someone with permissions.
- In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Giving. Then click .
- Click
, and enter all or part of the user's name in the text field.
- You can also sort the list by clicking each column title.
Edit a User's Permissions
Change the permissions of a user with responsibilities.
- In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Giving. Then click .
- Scroll through the list of users to locate the record you want. Or click
, and enter a name in the field.
- Point to the user's record and click
then Edit.
- Select the responsibilities you want to assign this user. Responsibilities determine the level of access a user has to your records. They can be added or edited by an administrator or user with permissions.
- Click Save.
Take Away User Permissions
You can delete a user's permissions, leaving them with basic login permissions.
Change Your Account Login
You can change the password you use to sign in.
- An uppercase character
- A lowercase character
- A symbol (!,@,#,$,%,^, and so on)
- A number
- 15 or more characters
- Repeating characters
- Sequences (abc, cba, 123, or 321
- On the sign-in page, click Forgot your password?
- Enter the email address associated with your Realm account in the Email Address text box.
- Click Send email.
- Check your email for the Reset your password message.
- Click the Reset Password button within the email.
- Enter your new password in the New password text box.
- Enter the password a second time in the Confirm new password text box.
- Click Update Password.