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Optional Two-Factor Authentication

Require two-factor authentication for accounting roles and users.

When you enable two-step verification, you add an extra layer of security to Realm Accounting. You can choose to receive email or text message verification when you sign in to Realm Accounting. If your sign-in information is compromised, other individuals won't have your additional verification credentials, and won't be able to sign in or access your financial information.

Require two-step verification for an accounting role. When you manage two-step verification for specific accounting roles, any individual with that role is required to verify their account when they sign in.

Require two-step verification for specific accounting users. Alternatively, when you add or edit an accounting user, you can require two-step verification just for them.

Any Realm Accounting user can enable two-step verification for themselves in My Account. For more information about site-wide two-step verification, see our release notes for Realm.