What would you like to know more about?


Whether you're just getting started or looking for expertise to support your staff and operations, we offer various paid services. Learn what's available based on the products you're subscribed to.

Note: To purchase any service, contact a sales representative at 1-844-467-3256.
Managed IT
Technology is ever evolving, much like the needs of your parish, church, or organization. Understanding the best technology for your needs and keeping all systems secure and up-to-date is essential to running your operations effectively. Many churches and businesses are turning to managed service providers to help them make key decisions and maintain their network of products.

To learn more, visit Higher Ground's website.

Data Services
In addition to data conversion, we can address specific issues such as merging/un-merging databases, deleting or restoring data, or resolving data-related errors. Data services vary based on the product(s) you're using. For services and estimates, call 1-800-669-2509.

Someone from support or data services can assist you in uploading your files.

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