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10.2A Release

If you're part of the Preferred Client Program, you can download the latest desktop version in the Client Portal.

PDS DioOffice 10.2A, released for desktop and OnDemand 5-3-22, offers the following enhancements.

New and Improved Features

Automatic Synchronization Overnight
  • Now, you can set the synchronization of your family and/or fund information to run overnight. Save your regular work hours for other important things! For more information, see Set Automatic Updates to Sync Overnight.
Option to Set Default as 'Delete the Family'
  • During synchronization, you may want to delete a family from your data when the family has been deleted at the parish. Now, you can set the default action so that all families deleted by the parish are set to Delete Family by default. That way, you don't have to select the option for every deleted family in the list. For more information, see Set the Default Actions Used in Synchronization.

Set Default Actions dialog box showing the new option for "Default as Delete the Family"

Option to Sync Financial Information
  • You can select whether to synchronize financial information during the Family/Member sync process. After you review the changes for families and click Next, the Financial Information window displays where you can select Synchronize Financial Information.

Synchronize Diocesan Data with Parish's Family/Member Data process showing the option to Synchronize Financial Information

Improvements to 'Check for Duplicates'
  • In the Check for Duplicate Families process, we moved the option to use the previous list to the top since it's more commonly used.
  • You can print possible duplicates by clicking Print List at the bottom of the window.
  • You can filter the list to see matching families where both records have funds. Click Show Only Entries with Funds On Both Columns.

List of Possible Duplicate Families window showing the new options for "Print List" and "Show Only Entries with Funds On Both Columns"

Combine Blank Keywords
  • You may find that you have a large number of blank keywords. This could be the result of data conversion, synchronization, or bad data entry. Now, there's a way to resolve them!
  • In any keyword list, click the Combine button then Combine All Blanks. This keeps one (Blank) keyword and removes all the other blanks. For more information, see Combine Keywords.

Before combining blanks

Example showing City/State Names keyword list with six blank fields; click Combine Cities button to open the Combine City/State Names dialog box; click Combine All Blanks button

After combining blanks

Example showing Combine City/State Names dialog box after combining all blanks; go back to the City/State Names keyword list and there is now only one blank field


We fixed several issues that were reported internally to our team, as well as the following issue that affected some of our customers:
  • When modifying a batch, if you clicked the ellipsis button in the Comment field, a phone number displayed instead of the comment and could not be edited.
  • After syncing data with parishes, the Screen Changed date on family records was not being updated.