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July 6, 2022

View enhancements and corrections released on July 6, 2022.

Religious Survey Ratio Scores

The Religious Survey Ratio Scores have been revised and expanded to provide greater precision and clarity.

Demographics Data Updates

On July 12, we're updating our two main datasets, Epsilon and Synergos.

This updates your core demographics and household data. It affects all demographics and predefined reports, Neighbor Center, and purchased address lists.

The new demographics data also projects population and household information through 2032.

Minor Changes

We've updated the Authorized User page that displays if a user does not have access to any studies. The sentence-level changes make the page more user friendly.

We've corrected three small program issues:

  • Some Purchased Address Lists displayed the wrong marital status field.
  • Some Purchased Address Lists displayed an incorrect number of children in a household.
  • When generating an Address List, some users could not filter by unknown racial and ethnic surnames.